Sentimo-nos humanos, olhamos e vemos Paisagens electronicas que tem o poder de criar imagens mentais com uma forca e uma vigorosidade tal que nos apercebemos o quao pequenos somos.

Circuit Bending Workshop

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Circuit Bending Workshop
Este tem sido o projecto para que tenho andado a trabalhar a algum tempo, finalmente vai para a frente dias 17 e 24(info em baixo), as inscricoes sao limitadas portanto aprecem-se.

This is the project ive been working, its a circuit bending workshop in two days 17 and 24 of february, the number of people its limited, so dont waste time.
Its in Lisbon.

(english and portuguese info above)

Modificar, esventrar, desmontar e soldar para reinventar pedais de guitarra ou brinquedos ou sintetizadores pequenos. E fazer tudo isto em busca de sons originais e em nome da investida na exploracao de material sonoro.

E o que te propomos durante duas sessoes (orientadas por Ricardo Costa) a ter lugar no mes de Fevereiro (17 e 24).

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Circuit Bending é a criacao de som através da manipulacao de dispositivos audio electronicos de baixa voltagem.

Pedais de guitarra de efeitos, brinquedos de crianca, ou mesmo sintetizadores pequenos, podem criar novos sons e gerar novas aproximacoes a estetica musical atraves da sua alteracao pelo Circuit Bending.

Enfatizando as tecnicas de randomizacao, o circuit bending e normalmente associado a música de ruído (noise), embora actualmente seha utilizado por muitos compositores de música contemporanea e tambem convencionais como Mike Patton ou Beck.

O Circuit Bending encaixa-se actualmente como uma das tecnicas favoritas de muitos artistas, a sua facilidade de execucao permite criar novos sons sem se necessitar de conhecimentos em electronica.

A aproximacao a este novo tipo de manipulacao permite-nos uma maior liberdade criativa em termos musicais)

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Duração: 12 Horas ( 17 e 24 de Fevereiro das 14h às 20h)
Custo: 60 euros (pago a dinheiro no acto da inscricao)
Inscricoes: até 13 de Fevereiro (o workshop so arranca com um minimo de 8 e um maximo de 12 participantes. caso não seja atingido o número mínimo apontado, o montande total entregue no acto da inscricao sera devolvido).

Formador: Ricardo Neves Costa

Destinatarios: Todas as pessoas interessadas em musica (compositores, musicos ou nao) que pretendem ficar a conhecer o circuit bending e as tecnicas de maniulacao de instrumentos electronicos de baixa voltagem.

Objectivos: Dar a conhecer aos participantes o circuit bending - o que e, como e realizado, o que faz e como se faz. Apresentacao de instrumentos criados a partir do circuit bending. Cada participante ira criar um novo instrumento a partir de um dispositivo audio.

Material necessario:
. Ferro de soldar (15~25W)
. Alicates (qualquer tipo - tendo em atencao que se vai trabalhar com componentes muito pequenos).
. Chaves (variadas - preferência: chaves estrela, fendas)
. Pilhas (variadas, 9v, 1.5a, 1.5aa)

To modify, to disassemble and to weld to reinvent small pedals of guitar or toys or synthesizers. And to make everything this in search of original sounds and on behalf of the onslaught in the exploration of sonorous material. This is called Circuit Bending.
This is what we offer in a workshop dedicated all to explore the circuit bending "science".
This workshop will be in the 17 and 24 of February and have the limited number of participants (12), also the number of hours of the workshop will be 12 divided in two days.
In the end of the workshop the participants will have a new circuit bent instrument created in the workshop and will be invited to a concert in a venue.

Workshop info
3:00 PM :: 2 comments ::

indeepp :: permalink

Harry Partch

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

This is a set of videos by bbc, that talks about one of the most brilliant man of all time, harry partch the inventor of micro tonal here in a great documentary.

Interested in the potential musicality of speech, Partch found it necessary to build instruments that could underpin the intoning voice and develop notations that accurately and practically instructed players what to play. His first instrument was the "Monophone," later known as the "Adapted viola". He then secured a grant that allowed him to go to London to study the history of tuning systems and word-setting. While there, he met the poet W. B. Yeats with the intention of gaining his permission to write an opera based on his translation of Sophocles' Oedipus the King. He accompanied himself on the Monophone while intoning "By the Rivers of Babylon," and also transcribed the exact inflections of actors from the Abbey Theatre reciting lines from Oedipus. Yeats was enthusiastic, saying "a play done entirely in this way, with this wonderful instrument, and with this type of music, might really be sensational", and gave Partch's idea his blessing.

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7:45 PM :: 0 comments ::

indeepp :: permalink

The Pin&Play Project

Friday, January 12, 2007

Pin&play is a new approach of ad-hoc networking among objects that people can attach to large surfaces, such as notes that people pin to notice boards or artifacts that people hang on the walls in their home.

It incorporates augmentation of common vertical surfaces such as walls and notice boards with low-cost conductive material to create smart surfaces as a communication medium.

The objects are attached to such surfaces by means of simple pin connectors, to provide users with a familiar mechanism for adding objects to the network.

The Pin&Play
4:10 PM :: 0 comments ::

indeepp :: permalink


VoodooIO adopts a vision of the physical interface as a malleable material that can be shaped and adapted, rather than a device with a predetermined form or prescribed use. The intention is to overcome the obstacles that prevent hardware interfaces from being as easily appropriable by users as graphical user interfaces (and software applications in general) have become, blurring the boundaries between interface developers, interaction designers and end-users.

4:01 PM :: 0 comments ::

indeepp :: permalink