Sentimo-nos humanos, olhamos e vemos Paisagens electronicas que tem o poder de criar imagens mentais com uma forca e uma vigorosidade tal que nos apercebemos o quao pequenos somos.

Discovering Electronic Music

Saturday, April 22, 2006

This is an educational film from 1983 describing a little bit of the history and tools of electronic music. The best thing about it is that it is behind the times for 1983, and seems more like a 1970s film. Frequently featured is a Moog modular! Also featured is a Fairlight, but as an analog obsessive, I'm less interested in that.
You'll love this film if you love analog synthesizers, electronic music (historic, not electronica), or music geeks. : ) Lots of cool oscilloscope shots, primitive sequencers, etc.

Discovering Electronic Music part 1
Discovering Electronic Music part 2
Discovering Electronic Music part 3
1:52 AM :: ::
  • Ha! That was awesome!

    A lot of the electronic music they played actually was digital, though. Like at the beginning they played some stuff by Jean Clause Risset, which he did on computers at Bell Labs, but it was not new when this movie came out. (Was he in the video, speaking? I don't know what he looked like 20 years ago.)

    Those old modulars are really good for demonstrating principles. They're certainly less obtuse than computers were then. The Arp 2600, I'm sure you know, was created to be a teaching synthesizer. But Moogs are way better off course. It was especially great that the Moog was out of tune when doing it's bass simulation. With only thousands of dollars of antique electronic equipment, you can imitate a bassist with poor intonation! Sound just like Wendy Carlos!

    All those knobs. All those cables. I wish I had a modular.

    By Blogger Charles Céleste Hutchins, at 3:11 PM  
  • me too les....me too.
    thx for the post was quite chearfull(im strugling with Max/msp)and i wish i have a modular like doepfer or analog industries.
    one day.....:)

    By Blogger indeepp, at 10:35 PM  
  • me too les....me too.
    thx for the post was quite chearfull(im strugling with Max/msp)and i wish i have a modular like doepfer or analog industries.
    one day.....:)

    By Blogger indeepp, at 10:35 PM  
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