Sentimo-nos humanos, olhamos e vemos Paisagens electronicas que tem o poder de criar imagens mentais com uma forca e uma vigorosidade tal que nos apercebemos o quao pequenos somos.

Video bending "karl Klompt"

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Today ive dedicated my time to video bending.
Ive found karl kompt web site months ago and ive decided that some day i will post something about this amazing resource.
In is website you will find bending schematics, links, pictures and a huge collection of all kind of video mixers.

"Karl Klomp, media-artist - vj - theater technician ('79 - NL). His research focus on live audiovisual expressions and interfacing. With a fasination for glitch-art, visual glitch, video interruption or hyperkinetic audio visuals, he deals with video circuit bending, frame grabbing, mircoprocessing, hardware interfacing, max/assambly programming. Together with Tom Verbruggen (Toktek) they played their live av performance mnk_toktek across the country. Bookings via AllesLos agency. Also doing audio/video circuit bending workshop, often in collabaration with Gijs Gieskes via AllesLos. Vj-ing since 2001 for Lo Mechanik [electronica collective/label]. In 2005 he collaborated with dePonk collective, international holding company of artists."

Karl kompt

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