Sentimo-nos humanos, olhamos e vemos Paisagens electronicas que tem o poder de criar imagens mentais com uma forca e uma vigorosidade tal que nos apercebemos o quao pequenos somos.

BugBrand Drone Machine

Monday, May 28, 2007

Bugbrand its one of my favorites companies of electronic instruments, today i went to they website and found this "the drone machine", it looks cool and the sound its just astonishing, well check for yourself,
"Looking a bit like a box for make-up, the new Drone Machine is powerful-but-portable fully modular synth and processing device in a compact carry case.


* Audio input with Envelope Follower - input preamp with variable decay enevelope follower (EnvFlw based on SynTom ideas)
* Ring Modulator - using the AD633 multiplier chip
* 3 x Voltage Controlled Oscillators (plus Low Freq Osc) - three powerful VCOs (based around the Thomas Henry XR2206 VCO) that can also run at low freqs for modulation, offering tri / sin / sqr waveforms, plenty of modulation and sync function.
* Voltage Controlled Filter - state variable (Lo / Band / Hi response) resonant filter with modulation and two audio inputs
* Digi-delay - based around the PT2399 digital delay chip that can be cranked down into very noised-up territories.
* 2 x Voltage Inverters - for audio or CVs
* Output Mixer - 3 channels mixed to mono output"

There are some videos too of the Drone Machine in action
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3


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