Sentimo-nos humanos, olhamos e vemos Paisagens electronicas que tem o poder de criar imagens mentais com uma forca e uma vigorosidade tal que nos apercebemos o quao pequenos somos.

Send me your info

Monday, May 14, 2007
Hi to all.
Ive been running this blog for almost two years now, and im quite happy how its going.
Im also always looking for information to put here, and i pass a long time in front of the computer searching for articles that might interest you, so all the readers if you have something that you think its fun to put on BeepGlith send it to me.
Ive also want to address my simpaty to all those in 2 years of existence browse this blog and have fun.
I also want to thanks getlofi for the big boost and all those bloges that link to here, for all those people a big thank you.

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5:07 PM :: ::
  • Corrupt™ - data corruption software

    Corrupt™ was first built with Proce55ing. The corruption process start by reading the binary of an image file [JPG or GIF], then some bytes are swaps [the number of replacement is a random value from 1 to 20]. The file is then "saved as" a new document. Depending on the number replacement and of the original compression, the image will have a completely different and unpredictable aesthetics. So from a single image the program can generate millions of corrupted versions. And because it is a real corruption system that damages the binaries of a file, some of the results can’t be showed because they are too damaged... The project is now available online for anyone who desire to corrupt his own JPG images.
    This PHP version has been realised in collaboration with BlueMelon, thanks to them.

    Go to the project page www.corrupt.ie

    By Blogger Unknown, at 9:55 PM  
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