Sentimo-nos humanos, olhamos e vemos Paisagens electronicas que tem o poder de criar imagens mentais com uma forca e uma vigorosidade tal que nos apercebemos o quao pequenos somos.

Drum machine´s and youtube circuit bending stuff

Thursday, November 15, 2007

I´ve just saw a post on create digital music about a circuit bend Linn drum II.
Im totally amaze by machine drums, ive a few myself and ive decided to search a little bit further and see what i can find, so i came up with a lot fun stuff.
First its Sakata DPMi really dont knows this machine, but it got the "looks" it was made in 1983 and there are still some around ebay.
Circuit bending noize box .
Autodrummer v1, autodrummer v2 and rotodrummer simply amaizing.
broken sword drum machine lots of stuff in there but cool sounds for electronica.

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