Sentimo-nos humanos, olhamos e vemos Paisagens electronicas que tem o poder de criar imagens mentais com uma forca e uma vigorosidade tal que nos apercebemos o quao pequenos somos.

Peter Vogel

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Sascha as sent me an email about the wonderfull work of Peter vogel.
"Peter Vogel is a pioneer in the field of interactive electronic sculpture. He was formally trained in physics, and has explored technology's intersection with dance, musical composition, and visual art since the late 1960s. Vogel's interest lies in both interactive and musical structures. The interactive sensitivity of his constructions utilizes photocells and microphones that react to spectators, creating an experience of seeing and hearing unique improvisations triggered by light and shadow. Merging form and function, the delicate electronic circuits in Vogel’s artworks are elegantly arranged. A retrospective of his work will take place in 2007 at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Freiburg. His work has been collected by ZKM; the Museum of Concrete Art, Ingolstadt, Germany; Rijksmueum; Wakayama Museum of Modern Art,and Joshibi Art Museum in Japan. Vogel’s electronic sound sculptures have been exhibited at Ars Electronica, the Musée d'Art Contemporain in Lyon, Winnipeg Art Gallery in Canada, Ruhrland museum in Essen, the Goethe Institute in Uruguay, Berlin Academy of Arts, and numerous galleries throughout Germany. He has participated in various group shows including “Ecoute” at the Centre Pompidou in 2004. "
In Bitforms website you can see is work and also Golan levin, wich i post here in january.


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