Sentimo-nos humanos, olhamos e vemos Paisagens electronicas que tem o poder de criar imagens mentais com uma forca e uma vigorosidade tal que nos apercebemos o quao pequenos somos.

Instruments by Panetone

Monday, January 14, 2008

Cristiano Rosa aka Panetone as some really great instruments that you want to check out.
Also hes making a effort to bring Circuit bending in Brazil to the knowledge of people , and so far he as secede.
He had done a lot of workshops in Rio de Janeiro and the feedback from the presents its just great.
So be sure to check is website regularly.
So back to the instruments.
1-we have this modular circuit bending machine (i hope im right)
2-joystick greenbox (its a beauty ins it ?)
3-the panetone touch one v2 (i think this is kinda cracklebox, but im not sure)

He as videos on is blog too and a lot more instruments.

Panetone site

P.s- Stay tunned for more Brazilian workshops.

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