Sentimo-nos humanos, olhamos e vemos Paisagens electronicas que tem o poder de criar imagens mentais com uma forca e uma vigorosidade tal que nos apercebemos o quao pequenos somos.


Monday, January 14, 2008

Beep glitch is looking for colaborators.
We are looking for people you can focus on exprimental software and also hardware circuit bending and some new ideas.
So if you whant to be part of this email me.
Have fun

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6:52 PM :: 0 comments ::

indeepp :: permalink

Instruments by Panetone

Cristiano Rosa aka Panetone as some really great instruments that you want to check out.
Also hes making a effort to bring Circuit bending in Brazil to the knowledge of people , and so far he as secede.
He had done a lot of workshops in Rio de Janeiro and the feedback from the presents its just great.
So be sure to check is website regularly.
So back to the instruments.
1-we have this modular circuit bending machine (i hope im right)
2-joystick greenbox (its a beauty ins it ?)
3-the panetone touch one v2 (i think this is kinda cracklebox, but im not sure)

He as videos on is blog too and a lot more instruments.

Panetone site

P.s- Stay tunned for more Brazilian workshops.

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6:36 PM :: 0 comments ::

indeepp :: permalink

Tristram Cary Electronic Composer

I just have found 3 videos on youtube about Tristram Cary.
Tristram its themind behind Dr who series in Uk.
This superb documentary focus on electronic music and electronic instruments and avant garde sounds that he produce for dr who.
"Tristram Cary - Pioneering UK Electronic Composer Electronic Music Studios avant-garde Peter Zinovieff Dr Who VCS3 Brian Eno Hawkwind Pink Floyd Dark Side Of The Moon Emperor Machine
Roxy Music BBC Radiophonic Workshop
Tangerine Dream Hawkwind Tim Blake Jean Michel Jarre Kraftwerk David Cockerell"

Hope you all enjoy this

Tristram cary vid 1

Tristram cary vid 2
Tristram cary vid 3

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6:25 PM :: 0 comments ::

indeepp :: permalink