Sentimo-nos humanos, olhamos e vemos Paisagens electronicas que tem o poder de criar imagens mentais com uma forca e uma vigorosidade tal que nos apercebemos o quao pequenos somos.

The Beat Blenders and Tecdhweeb

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

I i fall in love the first time i saw beatblenders and i thought that i might bend it, but i never bought one (but the idea was there).
Today i was reviewing some comments in this blog and i find board scams, and a lot of info on this beauty's trough techdweeb (seems that BT "tance artist" as bought one" good for him i suppose ).
So here goes the info
Beat Blender
Bend Blenders
Boards Scams

The Bend Blenders are too cool, and the designs are really great

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1:46 AM :: 0 comments ::

indeepp :: permalink

BugBrand Drone Machine

Monday, May 28, 2007

Bugbrand its one of my favorites companies of electronic instruments, today i went to they website and found this "the drone machine", it looks cool and the sound its just astonishing, well check for yourself,
"Looking a bit like a box for make-up, the new Drone Machine is powerful-but-portable fully modular synth and processing device in a compact carry case.


* Audio input with Envelope Follower - input preamp with variable decay enevelope follower (EnvFlw based on SynTom ideas)
* Ring Modulator - using the AD633 multiplier chip
* 3 x Voltage Controlled Oscillators (plus Low Freq Osc) - three powerful VCOs (based around the Thomas Henry XR2206 VCO) that can also run at low freqs for modulation, offering tri / sin / sqr waveforms, plenty of modulation and sync function.
* Voltage Controlled Filter - state variable (Lo / Band / Hi response) resonant filter with modulation and two audio inputs
* Digi-delay - based around the PT2399 digital delay chip that can be cranked down into very noised-up territories.
* 2 x Voltage Inverters - for audio or CVs
* Output Mixer - 3 channels mixed to mono output"

There are some videos too of the Drone Machine in action
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3


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6:22 PM :: 0 comments ::

indeepp :: permalink

Cylob live dj-set@Xltronic

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Ive wet my pants.
Im a huge Cylob fan and it looks that he is going to bring a special guest, (ive wet my pants again).

"Just a small pre-announcement...... Spread the word!"

What? Cylob on Xltronic radio. Yay!
When? Thursday, May 24th
Where? Xltronic Radio
Why? 'cos Cylob rocks!


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2:52 PM :: 0 comments ::

indeepp :: permalink

Corrupt™ data corruption software

The post as payed off, the first Data bending i publish here on beepglitch, ive read about this trought reed gazalla and i was very intrested.sure to say that corrupt as came to me...

"Corrupt™ was first built with Proce55ing. The corruption process start by reading the binary of an image file [JPG or GIF], then some bytes are swaps [the number of replacement is a random value from 1 to 20]. The file is then "saved as" a new document. Depending on the number replacement and of the original compression, the image will have a completely different and unpredictable aesthetics. So from a single image the program can generate millions of corrupted versions. And because it is a real corruption system that damages the binaries of a file, some of the results can’t be showed because they are too damaged... The project is now available online for anyone who desire to corrupt his own JPG images.
This PHP version has been realised in collaboration with BlueMelon, thanks to them."

Corrupt project

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2:38 PM :: 1 comments ::

indeepp :: permalink

Interview: APHEX TWIN

Kludge Magazine caught up with Richard D. James at All Tomorrow's Party earlier this year.
Juicy .....
"It is around 4 P.M. and I'm walking around the All Tomorrow's Festival lobby, waiting for Eddie Vedder to get on stage. A sea of people is around me, but nothing is to prepare me for who I'm about to see. You can imagine it, can you? In fact, I'm sure those who praise the genius behind the IDM/Braindance genre have imagined it many times."

Read the rest here


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2:32 PM :: 0 comments ::

indeepp :: permalink

Send me your info

Monday, May 14, 2007
Hi to all.
Ive been running this blog for almost two years now, and im quite happy how its going.
Im also always looking for information to put here, and i pass a long time in front of the computer searching for articles that might interest you, so all the readers if you have something that you think its fun to put on BeepGlith send it to me.
Ive also want to address my simpaty to all those in 2 years of existence browse this blog and have fun.
I also want to thanks getlofi for the big boost and all those bloges that link to here, for all those people a big thank you.

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5:07 PM :: 1 comments ::

indeepp :: permalink

Circuit Bends by Fishtape

I was browsing and i found this really huge directory of bends with a lot of schematics for speak - spells and others from Texas instruments, its very well documented with photos and its pretty easy to bent any speak - spell.
I don't have anymore info on this all i know its the name of this website (Fishtape).
So have fun
"hese board scans and wire plans are all from my personal collection. feel free to link / borrow, but give credit where it's due. all designs original, created through old-school trial and error. though they will work, you are strongly discouraged from just copying these designs, since that takes all the fun / adventure out of bending. blank boards are un-bent."

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4:55 PM :: 0 comments ::

indeepp :: permalink

Kid Clayton interview

"Joshua Kit Clayton is a musician, developer and computer programmer who develops Jitter for Max/MSP. Jitter "extends the Max/MSP programming environment to support realtime manipulation of video, 3D graphics and other data sets... Jitter abstracts all data as multidimensional matrices, so objects that process images can also process audio, volumetric data, 3d vertices, or any numerical information you can get into the computer." (0) As a musician, Joshua Kit Clayton moved towards including realtime video in performances of his musics, musics that can be variously categorized as electronic, laptop [+/or] glitch. recording under the name Kit Clayton, Clayton tours internationally + has released music through Orthlorng Musork (the label he owned + operated) as well as through Cycling '74 (the company for whom Clayton works developing Jitter). Jitter's introduction in 2003 contributed significantly to the expansion of cinematic approaches to realtime audio + video, especially appealing to developers already familiar with Cycling '74's software product Max/MSP."

All this thanks to Criticalart that made this interview with Kid Clayton

This conversation is divided in 10 parts of audio.

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3:13 PM :: 0 comments ::

indeepp :: permalink

Golan Levin: Experimental audio-visual artist

Monday, May 07, 2007

Who should see this,Inspired talks by the world's greatest thinkers and doers TED is a great way to share and to listen the most bright thinkers in the world.
The theme Ideas worth spreading its a great way to start participating on this.

"Having worked as an academic at MIT and a researcher specializing in computer technology and software engineering, Golan Levin now spends most of his time working as a performance artist. Rest assured his education hasn't gone to waste, however, as Levin blends high tech and customized software programs to create his own extraordinary audio and visual compositions. The results are inordinately experimental sonic and visual extravaganzas from the furthest left of the field.

Many of his pieces force audience participation, such as Dialtones: A Telesymphony, a concert from 2001 entirely composed of the choreographed ringtones of his audience. Regularly exhibiting pieces in galleries around the world, and also working as an Assistant Professor of Electronic Time-Based Art at Carnegie Mellon University, Levin is unapologetically pushing boundaries to define a brave new world of what is possible.

Golan levin Video
Golan levin Homepage

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5:24 PM :: 0 comments ::

indeepp :: permalink