Sentimo-nos humanos, olhamos e vemos Paisagens electronicas que tem o poder de criar imagens mentais com uma forca e uma vigorosidade tal que nos apercebemos o quao pequenos somos.

Favourite free vst eztravaganza

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Well, this is da shit.
So ive compiled a free vst list with more than 100 links.
Just clik on the links above and have lots of fun.

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6:38 PM :: 0 comments ::

indeepp :: permalink

PanEtone board

Saturday, October 13, 2007

My friend PanEtone as send me a schematic witch he will use on his workshop.
Its a simple one but a lot of soul in there.
Here is the topic on the workshop.
-Building your first oscillator
-basic electronic components
-have fun with the vactrol synth (also building one)
-basic soldering
-altering the pitch and the clock on a toy
-amplifying and distorting
-playing with body contacts and instruments.
In the final they will play a concert with the instruments build during the workshop.

Sounds like a lot of fun

About the board "you are viewing the component side"- just copy the image and glue to a piece of card them trim and make holes for the components, insert the components and solder together.
For the chips (ic) you can use 40106, 4016 or 4093.

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2:03 PM :: 6 comments ::

indeepp :: permalink

Max/Msp 5

Looks nice, sounds nice, but i will wait for information about that cooperation between cycling74 and ableton live...

"The first thing you might notice about Max 5 is the new look of the objects. We've redecorated with a new appearance to ensure you can immediately identify the basic elements of a patch. It doesn't try to be photorealistic, primarily because the interface scales so you can look at a patch at any resolution. That includes zooming out as well as zooming in."
"Moreover, we've created a new system of default colors. The system allows you to change the colors of objects that haven't been set to any particular special color value. This means that you can change all the colors to a new appearance, but you don't have to force those colors on anyone else who might look at your patch. Similarly, someone else's color scheme won't be imposed on you when you open their patches. One reason we implemented this system was to allow you to change color defaults when lighting conditions change. Bright clear colors on a blistering white background might be appropriate for a sunny day in LA, but if you're on stage in New York, you might want white on black. Watch how easy it is to change defaults merely by selecting a pre-configured file."

Max/Msp 5

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1:53 PM :: 0 comments ::

indeepp :: permalink

PanEtone workshop

Friday, October 05, 2007

My friend from brazil PanEtone is making a new workshop this time in Rio de Janeiro.
He had also be interviewed by Getlofi you can read it here
Also see PanEtone myspace and check is instruments.
We are also thinking in a new form to help new people into circuit bending, also he features in the MTV brazil publication.
I will give more info on the workshop and projects soon.

PanEtone myspace

Interview in getlofi

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4:20 PM :: 0 comments ::

indeepp :: permalink

And, before music there is...computers

At the age of 17 Raymond kurtweil went to a show to demonstrate an amazing electric composing machine that he as invented.

Raymond kurtzweil

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4:01 PM :: 0 comments ::

indeepp :: permalink

PCB creation

No more lazer printers or expensive methods to pcb creation, this is very simple and well explained according to Tom Gootee.
Here is how.
"The procedure is simple. You need some Jet Print brand Photo paper, glossy. The stuff I bought was Jet Print Multi-Project Photo Paper, 07033-0. Jet Print color codes their inkjet photo papers... look for the stuff with the green band. About $0.75 per sheet here in Texas.

The next step is to produce a positive image of the traces you want, using almost any editor, CAD program, etc. The image must print to the exact scale needed. "

PCB creation

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2:18 PM :: 0 comments ::

indeepp :: permalink